Get to know your College: Zoey Reed


What is your role and what does your work focus on?

I work for the Health Data & Clinical Trials group, HDCT for short.

I have recently stepped out of my old role as Support Officer and into a new role as Project Coordinator, under close guidance by A/Prof Erin Morton.

HDCT is currently working across many therapeutic areas from anaesthetics, cancer, COVID-19, palliative, rheumatology, mental health, paediatrics, general medicine, rural health and devices, just to name a few. My role varies in the different areas we work in.

Where did you work before joining CMPH? 

Before joining the HDCT team I worked as a Therapy Coordinator at a private allied health clinic in the heart of Norwood. My role was to manage the schedules and caseloads of 6 – 8 therapists (OT, Speech, Physio & Behaviour Support).

The clientele was mainly NDIS paediatric, where I would work with the families to navigate their child’s NDIS plan, funding, and therapeutic needs.

What journey brought you to this point in your career? 

To be completely honest, I went out on a limb applying for the role at Flinders having no experience in clinical trials and research. In saying that, I have always loved the idea of working at Flinders having completed my BA here in 2016.

I wanted something new and challenging where I knew I would remain for the rest of my working career. We can laugh about it now… but I still remember the feeling when I walked out of my interview feeling so embarrassed as I had to sit a spelling test as part of the process (not my strong point, especially under pressure), A/Prof Erin Morton has since mentioned she hired me from how I interviewed, and it had nothing to do with the spelling test (phew)!

What is something you love most about your work? 

Clinical trials are very exciting – every day is different, and you never know what the outcome is going to be.

I love how close and supportive the HDCT team is, you spend more hours at work than you do at home, so your work crew becomes more like family. A/Prof Erin Morton spoils us with opportunities to try new things, explore areas we are not familiar with and expand our knowledge.

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?

Don’t sweat the small stuff, your life is going to be great, you just wait!

If you had a superpower what would it be?

To go back in time and relive memories… time/life is going so fast. Or maybe to fly, can I have both?

How do you like to relax or spend your spare time?

I love spending time at my little home on the coast of Moana, and of course down at the beach with my fiancé & crazy Kelpie called Leni.

I relax by working out daily, drinking good coffee with my girlfriends, and spending quality time with my family.

Who is the most famous person you are related to?

Down the line of my family tree somewhere, I am related to Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis, known as C. J. Dennis. He is a famous Australian poet and journalist.


Learn more about Health Data and Clinical Trials (HDCT)

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Get to know CMPH

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