Don’t miss the Solar Eclipse (eye safety reminder)


We wanted to remind you of an exciting celestial event happening this Thursday, April 20th – a partial solar eclipse.

This rare occurrence is when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, causing a portion of the sun to be obscured. However, it’s important to remember that looking directly at the sun during a solar eclipse can cause solar retinopathy, which is damage to the retina of the eye.

To safely enjoy the solar eclipse, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Use proper eye protection: Never look at the sun with the naked eye or through regular sunglasses, as they do not provide enough protection.
  2. Avoid using regular cameras or telescopes: Looking through a camera, telescope, or binoculars without proper solar filters can also cause eye damage. Make sure to use solar filters or protective equipment specifically designed for solar viewing.
  3. Follow the recommended viewing time: The partial solar eclipse may last for several hours, but it’s crucial to only look at the sun during the recommended viewing time as advised by experts. Do not stare at the sun for extended periods.

Remember, the safety of your eyes should be your top priority during the solar eclipse. Taking proper precautions will allow you to enjoy this awe-inspiring event without any harm to your eyes. So mark your calendars and get ready to witness the magic of the partial solar eclipse from approximately 12:30pm to 2:30pm Thursday 20 April, but be sure to protect your eyes while doing so.

Learn more at the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologist statement for the public.

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CMPH Staff

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