Corey Markus and the IPOCT Team: Revolutionizing Point-of-Care Testing


Corey Markus from the International Centre for Point-of-Care Testing (IPOCT) team has been at the forefront of pioneering efforts to combat Hepatitis C. Through high-intensity prison screening campaigns and participation in international forums, Corey and the IPOCT team are revolutionizing point-of-care testing and raising awareness.

ICPOCT, Kombi Clinic, Hepatitis QLD, and the Kirby Institute during the prison screening campaign under the National Australian HCV POCT Program.

High-Intensity Prison Screening Campaigns

Corey, representing IPOCT, collaborated with external stakeholders in April for a high-intensity prison screening campaign. They screened the first prison of 2022 as part of the National Australian HCV POCT Program. Equipped with eight GeneXperts, the team tested 690 men over eight days, offering education and testing for Hepatitis C. The campaign revealed a 21% prevalence of Hepatitis C RNA, resulting in $7M worth of antiviral medication prescriptions and 85% of men starting treatment within a week.


INSHU Hepatitis C Point-of-Care Testing Forum

Corey and Dr. Susan Matthews, Co-Director of IPOCT, represented the Flinders International Centre for Point-of-Care Testing at the INSHU Hepatitis C Point-of-Care Testing Forum in Paris. This esteemed forum provided a platform for researchers and healthcare practitioners to discuss testing technologies and best practices. Dr. Matthews, a prominent figure in the field, captivated the audience with her exceptional presentation on operator training and quality assurance, which garnered high accolades. Her expertise and insights have solidified her position as a respected thought leader. Meanwhile, Markus played a pivotal role in focusing on health information systems and IT connectivity, emphasizing their importance in successfully implementing HCV testing programs.

18th Global Hepatitis Summit, France

The 18th Global Hepatitis Summit

Parallel to the INSHU Forum, Corey and Dr. Matthews attended the 18th Global Hepatitis Summit. The summit showcased the latest developments in liver diseases, including viral hepatitis. It also featured the updated WHO viral hepatitis guidelines. This provided an excellent platform for networking with colleagues and fostering collaborations to enhance their efforts in combating Hepatitis C.

The IPOCT team are revolutionizing point-of-care testing for Hepatitis C. Through their involvement in high-intensity prison screening campaigns and participation in international forums like the INSHU Hepatitis C Point-of-Care Testing Forum and the 18th Global Hepatitis Summit, they are making significant contributions. The teams’ dedication to advancing point-of-care testing and Matthews’ expertise in quality assurance have positioned IPOCT as a leading force in the fight against Hepatitis C. With ongoing collaborations, they continue to make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by this disease.

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