The Embassy of Saudi Arabia hosts nanotechnology symposium

Nanotechnology researchers from Australia and Saudi Arabia met in Canberra to discuss the future of nanotechnology collaborations between Australia and Saudi Arabia, working towards the 2030 Objectives of Saudi Arabia. This symposium has attracted media attention throughout Saudi Arabia, with numerous newspapers picking up the story.

The Centre for NanoScale Science and Technology’s Professor Colin Raston attended the symposium, where he presented a paper entitled “International cooperation in the field of nanotechnology”, which explores the mechanisms of creating international research partnerships between Australia and Saudi Arabia, citing a number of agreements between Australia and the Middle East.

Other papers presented included a paper entitled “Present and Future of Nanotechnology in Saudi Arabia”, presented by Bedia Al Harbi, a current Masters student within the Centre, and a paper entitled “Nanoscale Nanotechnology Engineering for Future Technologies in Medicine and Energy”, presented by Associate Professor Antonio Tricoli from the Australian National University.

We look forward to seeing what future collaborations arise from this meeting.

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