Over the last six months the Child and Family Research Team in the department has halved, with Associate Professor Anthea Magarey retiring and Dr Bec Perry, Chelsea Mauch and Jo Hartley completing their research and taking on new challenges. Dr Jaccqui Miller, Dr Lucy Bell, Dr Carly Moores and Louisa Matwiejczyk continue this important area of research with Jacqui and Carly leading the PEACH™ Queensland evaluation, due December 2016 and most of the team implementing the Channel Seven Children’s Research Foundation grant funded On-line and in control: PEACHTM (Parenting, Eating and Activity for Child Health) Lifestyle over the next two years. Lucy Bell is also leading a study researching grandparents’ role in supporting healthy lifestyle behaviours when caring for their 1-5 year old grandchildren with the rest of the team in collaboration with Grandparents for Grandchildren SA Inc . While this addresses informal childcare, Louisa Matwiejczyk also continues her PH.D working with formal childcare. The team is continuing to publish work in all of these areas as well as the OPAL evaluation which was completed in June last year and work from the NOURISH project a positive parenting practices project for first-time mothers with infants. Next semester will see a number of Honours and MND research stream students work in this space. The team welcomes anyone interested in further study in this area, including Research Higher Degrees (such as a PhD). If you are interested in discussing further study or research, please contact us.