Amanda Wray provides an update on crucial professional development for dietitians.
Training for placement educators to ensure they have the capacity, skills and confidence to ensure positive learning experiences and competency development for student dietitians is essential. In 2016, 3 placement educator workshops were carried out to provide training to dietitians in Singapore, Adelaide and Northern Territory. In July, Louisa Matwiejczyk and Amanda Wray met with Singaporean dietitians at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. It was a terrific opportunity to meet dietitians who are supporting our students in Food Service, Community Public Health & Clinical placements. Every September the Foundation Placement Educator Training is an opportunity for dietitians to attend a 2 day workshop with other allied health disciplines. Amanda Wray runs this workshop along with facilitators from Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy. This year’s workshop was held at our state-of-the art new Tonsley campus with dietitians from rural and metropolitan Adelaide attending. This workshop was repeated in Alice Springs in November at the Centre for Remote Health. Five dietitians working in central Australia attended this workshop which will hopefully provide future placement opportunities for our students at this unique location. Placement training for 2017 is heading to Tasmania in February and again in September in Adelaide. We are very grateful for the support, enthusiasm and commitment of our PEs to shape and support our future dietitians.