Earlier this year Prof Michelle Miller, Dr Lucy Bell, Dr Jacqui Miller, Dr Carly Moores, Ms Louisa Matwiejczyk and Ms Raechel Damarell (Gus Fraenkel Medical Library) were awarded external, competitive funding ($26,000) brokered by the Sax Institute and commissioned by the New South Wales Office of Preventive Health/Centre for Population Health.
The team was contracted to design and execute a comprehensive search strategy to identify community-based approaches to adolescent obesity prevention as part of an Evidence Check Review. The team screened over 10,000 records and delivered the report to the funder in the space of 4 weeks. The corresponding manuscript has also recently been accepted for publication and will be released early in 2018 – so watch this space!
In light of the team’s effort, they were collectively awarded the Vice President and Executive Dean Research Excellence Award in recognition of their publication of outstanding research in high ranking, peer reviewed journals and significant contribution to successful grant applications.