Congratulations to our Dietitians Association of Australia CPD Grant Recipients

Jenni Suen and Joyce Haddad


Two PhD Candidates from the College of Nursing and Health Sciences have been awarded the Dietitians Association of Australia CPD Grants to attend the DAA National Conference in Sydney between 17 – 19 May 2018.

Jenni Suen who received $400 to subsidise the cost of conference registration is attending to present work conducted as a Project Support Officer under the direction of Prof Michelle Miller. She will be presenting a traditional oral presentation to discuss the findings of a paper entitled “Evaluating Photographs as a Replacement for the In-Person Physical Examination of the Scored Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment in Elderly Hospital Patients “. This paper was recently published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  A poster entitled “Student-led health interventions for adults at risk of or with chronic disease: A systematic review” will also be presented. The poster provides background that has assisted the development of her current PhD project through the supervision of Prof Michelle Miller, Dr Christopher Delaney and Dr Stacie Attrill. By attending the conference, Jenni hopes to continue to develop presentation skills as well as an understanding on dietetic education research.

Joyce Haddad, who received $600 for conference registration, is working under A/Prof Rebecca Golley, Dr Gilly Hendrie and Dr Kacie Dickinson is aiming to develop an online, brief, feedback nutrition messaging intervention to improve the diet quality of Australian families. Joyce will be presenting a poster at the DAA National Conference on her findings from her Honours project from 2015, entitled: “The barriers and facilitators of implementing a school nutrition policy”, which was supervised by A/Prof Anthea Magarey and Dr Lucy Bell.  By attending the conference, Joyce hopes to gain more insight on the works of other researchers in the nutrition messaging and behaviour change fields, and looks forward to networking with Dietitians nation-wide.

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