Introducing Claire Gardner

Claire Gardner joins us as a Project Manager for the ‘Tools to increase children’s vegetable intake’ project consortia 


Claire is a Dietitian with over 15 years’ experience predominantly in community and public health nutrition but more broadly health and wellbeing. She has worked with a diverse range of industries across government, education, planning, agriculture, charity and not-for-profit groups, on state and national initiatives aimed at translating research and evidence-based strategies into lifestyle and behaviour change. Claire has a strong interest in community and population level strategies to address inequalities in health and shift population health risk factors. She is co-author of the CSIRO Wellbeing Plan for Kids book.

Over the past 5 years Claire has taught at UniSA in the following areas: community and public health nutrition, health promotion, sports nutrition and nutrition communication. She has also managed a number of research and evaluation projects developing her skills in designing, implementing and analysing mainly qualitative studies, and applying findings across a range of health outcomes.

Claire joins the Nutrition and Dietetics team in a part-time capacity as Project Manager for the ‘Tools to increase children’s vegetable intake’ project consortia between CSIRO, Flinders University and Nutrition Australia funded by Hort Innovation and led by A/Prof Rebecca Golley.

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