We are at the preliminary stage of coordinating a visit to Adelaide by Dave Andrews and Nora Amath from Brisbane, to share their experiences reflected in Dave Andrew’s Ramadan diary, Bismillah, http://www.daveandrews.com.au/bismillah.html
which was also the subject of an ABC ‘Spirit of Things’ program.
We are planning a two-day visit between June 9 to June 13; incidentally raising awareness of Ramadan, which commences at the end of June.
I am hoping Dave and Nora might be hosted by:
- Oasis, Flinders University, for a lunchtime meeting among university students
- Pilgrim Church in the City, inviting the Adelaide Mosque community – an evening
- The Marion Mosque, inviting local Christian communities – an evening
Woodville High School – a lunchtime student meeting
and other suggestions welcome….