Bismillah – A Muslim-Christian Conversation, mid June.

We are at the preliminary stage of coordinating a visit to Adelaide by Dave Andrews and Nora Amath from Brisbane, to share their experiences reflected in Dave Andrew’s Ramadan diary, Bismillah,

which was also the subject of an ABC ‘Spirit of Things’ program.

 We are planning a two-day visit between June 9 to June 13; incidentally raising awareness of Ramadan, which commences at the end of June.

I am hoping Dave and Nora might be hosted by:

  • Oasis, Flinders University, for a lunchtime meeting among university students
  • Pilgrim Church in the City, inviting the Adelaide Mosque community – an evening
  • The Marion Mosque, inviting local Christian communities – an evening

Woodville High School – a lunchtime student meeting

 and other suggestions welcome….



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