MoTiv defy easy description. On the one hand, they are qualified chaplains, but rarely are they described as chaplains. They see themselves as theologians, but rarely do they engage in ‘God-talk’. They are a commercial company who are contracted by the university or corporations to provide leadership training, pastoral leadership or facilitation, yet the Catholic Church is a major donor. They are creative and entrepreneurial – for example, they are documentary film producers. They have been appointed chaplains to the new underground railway development in Delft for the next twelve years.
Like Oasis, hospitality is at the centre of their practice and they work through collaboration and partnerships.
I spent a week with MoTiv last year trying to figure out how they work, and it wasn’t easy! They are quite unique in the world! Some of my observations are on my chaplaincy blog, starting with:
We are presently working with the Faculty of Science and Engineering, the Flinders University Society of Engineers (students) and the SA Society of Engineers (the professional body) to use the visit of MoTiv to facilitate
- a ‘Night of the Philosophy of Engineering’, a MoTiv idea, in which students and staff have personal discussions about some of the burning issues in engineering
- A meeting with the SA Society of Engineers to share the MoTiv story of their engagement with the Faculty of Engineering in Delft.
We also hope for
- a meeting with SA chaplains to share the MoTiv story of chaplaincy
- an open lunch at Oasis
For some background on MoTiv in their own words (in English!) see:
MoTiv’s accompanying of PhD students from Delft Technical University visiting China in early July is enabling them to reciprocate my visit last year, ‘on their way home’!