Welcome to this week’s HDR Development Bulletin.
If you read Friday’s ‘Staying in the Loop’ Newsletter you will have seen that we have some big updates about the HDR Community and Voice Project. This week’s bulletin is adding some more detail to that information and sharing an opportunity to vote on one of the activities the Partners will organise.
So ICYMI – the first piece of news is that your HDR Student Partners have been chosen! Learn more about each of the partners by visiting Friday’s blog post.
With a range of Colleges, candidature stages and life experiences represented in the team, we have already had some wonderful conversations about how the Flinders HDR experience can be improved. The HDR Student Partners team will also be meeting with your College HDR Representatives and the UHDRC HDR Representatives to learn more about what is on offer and what can be done to support you. So be sure to reach out to your reps if you have some college-specific feedback to share. You can learn more about the different HDR Contact points here.
The next piece of news is that the HDR Student Partners have started designing some experiences just for you! Using last year’s Annual Satisfaction Survey data, plus insights from their own experiences, the Partners have chosen to pilot a few different activities to see what you would like your HDR experience to include. Here is an overview of their plan. There are both in person and online events – ranging from sessions where you can just catch up for a chat, to sessions focused on getting your through your candidature like dedicated writing times and sound boarding sessions where you can bounce your ideas off someone.
To see the schedule and learn more about each activity visit this blog post and also keep an eye on the HDR Connect Community Team Calendar so you can keep up with what is on when. If you want to contact any of the partners about the activities they are running, please use this dedicated email – HDRStudentPartners@flinders.edu.au.
Lastly, we are still planning one final activity – so click below and vote below to help shape it