We are happy to share that the next module in the new REST FLO (Canvas) site is now available.
In research, constructing a well-founded argument is crucial. It allows you to present your ideas in a logical manner, support your claims with evidence, and persuade your audience effectively. The Argument Construction module breaks down the argument construction process, helping you identify your viewpoints and create your arguments. The module discusses the three parts of the research paradigm – ontology, epistemology and methodology – helping you situate your research in what is already known, and identify the gaps in knowledge you need to address. The module also covers how to choose a theoretical framework, as well as presenting you with some useful videos and online courses.
To view and complete the module, please click the link below to be taken directly to the module. If you are not yet registered in the REST FLO (Canvas site), you will first need to register via https://canvas.flinders.edu.au/enroll/FM8AWN.
We would love to hear your feedback on this module, as well as the other modules and content we are creating through the new REST site. So please reach out anytime at hdr.development@flinders.edu.au.
Argument Construction and Research Design with IdeaPuzzle Software
The Idea Puzzle software is a decision-making tool that helps PhD students improve the coherence of a research proposal, article, or thesis in the light of Philosophy of Science (Morais & Brailsford, 2019). It also helps review the strengths and weaknesses of a research project in any field of knowledge (Parente & Ferro, 2016). To date, it has helped design more than 7000 research projects worldwide.
The Idea Puzzle software poses 21 questions based on ontology, epistemology and methodology, helps answer them, and allows the self-evaluation of each answer in terms of decision-making status. The help function of the Idea Puzzle software includes examples of research designs in different fields of knowledge that have won the Idea Puzzle Prize, as well as definitions, introductions, tips, and bibliography. The output of the Idea Puzzle software is a research design with 21 answers, an overall score, and a coloured jigsaw puzzle of progress that can be shared in PDF or in Word.
All Flinders, all researchers have access to Idea Puzzle – simply register for an account on the website with your Flinders email address to take full advantage of the software.
Research Design with the Idea Puzzle Software workshop
Thursday 6 June, 5:30-6:30pm
To assist you in making the best use of the software, Assistant Professor Ricardo Morais will present a workshop to Flinders researchers this week. The workshop will help participants to:
- a) acknowledge the relation between epistemology, methodology, ontology, and axiology;
- b) coherently align the theory, method, data, rhetoric, and authorship of a research proposal, article, or thesis with the Idea Puzzle software; and
- c) review the strengths and weaknesses of a research project in any field of knowledge.