REST module – Thesis Writing

The next module in the new REST Canvas site is now available. The Thesis Writing Module steps you through the requirements and process of thesis writing, providing clarity on style, structure and content.

A thesis is the body of work that you produce during your candidature that will be examined. It is a document that brings your research together, outlining your research questions, methodology, data collection and analysis as well as your research findings. It is much more detailed than a research article. It needs signposting throughout that emphasises your contributions to knowledge. These contributions could include improved or novel methods or protocols, novel data, and/or novel interpretations. This module steps you through the unique genre of thesis writing, presenting a number of useful tools and resources to support you throughout.

To view and complete the module, please click the link below to be taken directly to the module. If you are not yet registered in the REST Canvas site, you will first need to register via If you have any questions or feedback on the module, please reach out via return email.

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