REST Module available – Teaching and Learning

We are happy to share that the next module in the new REST FLO (Canvas) site is now available.

Teaching and learning are the core of university business, forming the foundation of academic success and institutional reputation. The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) ensures that educators and the field continuously grow and develop through innovative practices and reflective teaching. As Higher Degree by Research students, you can actively contribute to this dynamic process. The Teaching and Learning module presents some ways that you can get involved in teaching and learning activities and develop your scholarship of teaching and learning, ultimately enriching your academic and professional journey. It highlights some online courses and resources to get you started, pointing out the benefits of taking advantage of teaching and learning opportunities throughout your candidature.

To view and complete the module, please click the link below to be taken directly to the module. If you are not yet registered in the REST FLO (Canvas site), you will first need to register via

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