Looking forward >
Health Data Clinical Trials (HDCT) is looking forward to Andrew Blyth joining our team as Project Coordinator after completion of his PHD. This position will be accompanied by Zoey Reed, HDCT’s current Support Officer who also will be stepping into the role of Project Coordinator.
We are also looking forward to the revamp of part B of the RECONNOITER study after a successful close out of part A, led by Project Manager – Ivana Hunt. On the topic of studies taking off, Project Manager – Rupali Saikia is leading a current IVF study called NuLife, which has just commenced the first stages of recruitment at Repromed.
< Looking back
In the first week of October, HDCT’s Project Manager – Ivana Hunt presented her first REDCap interactive workshop to our team of casual employees and core staff. With a future aim to extend the invitation to internal and external partners across the campus and hospital.
HDCT also presented the 4th Clinical Trial Intensive Workshop for 2022, covering Data Analysis and Research Output. We had the privilege of having Joey Gerlach, Rhys Williams, Dr. Alline Beleigoli, Dr. Maria Alejandra Pinero de Plaza and Dr. Kelly Loffler speak at this workshop. If any of the guest speakers that have spoken at our previous workshops for 2022 are reading this, we wish to give them a big thank you.
Good stuff
HDCT is excited to welcome Kingsley Hodgson to the team (right). With a strong background in both science and maths, Kingsley attained a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology, focusing on genetics. Through these studies he developed an appreciation for data and the conclusions that could be drawn from it, plus the importance of correct data management, leading to the pursuit of a Master of Data Science degree at the University of Adelaide. Kingsley brings to HDCT his burgeoning data expertise, current learning and methodologies, and a keen interest in health data. His priorities will be HDCT-directed and focused initially on improving outputs for existing HDCT data collaborations, particularly on-campus projects intertwined.
In late September HDCT’s Lead – Dr Erin Morton (featured at top of this post), was selected as one of only 4 national finalists for the Emerging Leader in Health category at the 2022. The Awards recognise and shine a light on Australia’s female leaders who’ve demonstrated strength, courage, resilience, collaboration, empathy and innovation to excel, and helped pave the way for future generations.
HDCT remains to collaborate and work with internal and external partners. We are hopeful to have two studies up and running in the new year that are within the women’s and children’s sector and the registry space SALHN.
For further information about how HDCT can work with your research contact Zoey at hdct@flinders.edu.au or call 0468 566 663