Looking forward >
Emerging Leaders showcase is on this week, Thursday 24th and Friday 25th of November! This will be an excellent opportunity to network and hear about the incredible research going on. There will be door prizes going out for a few lucky winners who attend the HDR session on Friday 11:30am-12:40pm so make sure you get a raffle ticket and hang around to support our HDR students. Register to attend the event here For more information about the Emerging Leaders showcase, email cmph.research@flinders.edu.au
HDRs – keep an eye out for an email invite to the rescheduled coffee catch up at the Flinders train station coffee van (Date/Time TBD). Please come and enjoy a coffee on us before the Christmas break.
<Looking back
Another successful online forum was held on the 20th of October. Students were able to ask questions of the HDR reps and other students in an informal setting while catching up on all things PhD. We have loved seeing you participate and look forward to hosting more of these in 2023!
Good stuff
Congratulations to Andrea Natsky and Andrew Blyth who completed their final PhD presentations last week! An amazing accomplishment to highlight all the work done over your candidature.
If you’d like to reach out to your student HDR representatives for questions or a chat, email us at cmph.hdrcop@flinders.edu.au