Supervision of staff & students
Every fortnight Briony Forbes and guest editors curate a short list of resources to inform and inspire your research and teaching practices, This week’s edition focuses on the qualities that underlie good supervision of staff and students.
Qualities of a good supervisor (Plus 8 Skills To Develop)…
- This article explores some of the qualities of a good supervisor, as well as the skills common of leaders and how you can become an effective supervisor yourself, providing examples and links to additional resources.
Essentials for supervisors at Michigan State University – Qualities of a good supervisor…
- In this powerpoint, Michigan State University summarises the core qualities of good supervision, and the associated behaviours.
The lessons I learnt supervising master’s students for the first time…
- PhD student Emilio Dorigatti supported three junior colleagues during their degrees and shares his half dozen key learnings about how to ensure smooth collaboration and a positive outcomes for all.
The best supervisor…
- A PhD is hard. But a good supervisor makes it much easier. This article describes the qualities of a PhD supervisor whose mentorship transformed a student’s academic experience.
If you have resources you would like to share, please email