The month of April was defiantly a busy one. Before the start of the mid-semester break, which I was so excited for because my home University only gave us two days off, and called it our ‘mid-semester break’ so I was beyond excited when I found out that the break was two weeks long! The week before the break my Indigenous Art class took at trip to the South Australia Art Museum to see the new exhibition Dark Heart. It was defiantly interesting and I think everyone who loves or is interested in art should take a look. Also, the works outside the exhibition are really beautiful as well. After that the break started. I didn’t really have much planned. I just wanted to take advantage of the time to explore more of the city and the sights and maybe catch up on some of the work that had been assigned. On the list of places I visited was the botanical gardens in Adelaide, the South Australian Museum and the Adelaide Zoo. I also took advantage of the beautiful weather and went hiking and spent a lot of time at Glenelg on the beach.