Adelaide in May

Adelaide weather has definitely kept me on my toes, especially in the month of May where you can have all 4 seasons in one day. Regardless of the many outfit changes throughout the days, May has been a lovely month. The leaves are beginning to change colours and it feels like autumn has arrived. Although, for the most part, the temperature has stayed above 20 degrees, which feels like a pleasant summer day at home.

I was lucky enough to have my sister come visit me for my birthday! We celebrated with lots of food and drinks and a footy game at the new Adelaide Oval. Go Port Adelaide! I also got the chance to visit the Adelaide Zoo. Lions and tigers and (panda) bears, oh my!

I am happy to say that with many long days in the library (accompanied by copious amounts of caffeine and chocolate) I have somehow managed to finish all of my assignments and only have 3 exams left to go and the semester is finished! It’s crazy how quickly time has gone. One month to go and I will be back in Vancouver. Part of me is extremely excited to get home and enjoy the summer with my friends, family and boyfriend, but the other part of me will be sad to leave Adelaide. Well it’s not over yet! Now time to plan a crazy eastcoast trip for the last few weeks before my flight home.


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Global Experience Inbound Student Blogs

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