A visit to the cuties in Adelaide

After the first month in Adelaide, I have already got used to the cosy weather and relaxing pace here. On a warm Sunday, I visit the Cleland Wildlife Park with other exchange students. We got there by Uber, but you can also go there by bus. There is a bus stop just next to the Park. Strongly suggesting to buy a snacks for animal in the entrance so you can “attract” the animals afterwards.Trust me you will be amazed by the variety of animals you won’t get to see in Hong Kong.

Unlike Asian countries, animals here are not locked inside the cages, they are everywhere! A pack of kangaroos are lying on the grassland while some ducks and swans jump up from the river to ask for snacks in my hand. There are over 50 kinds of animal in the park, and all of them are free to run under sun. Talking about kangaroo, there are various types of them. Their fur is as soft as silk and they are super cute! After a quick lunch under a tree, I looked upon the sun and saw a koala half asleep above my head with a feint gaze to the sky whilst chewing on the leaves. In Cleland, you can have a chance to touch and take selfie with the fluffy koala, you can also hold them but it costs you $30.

This is my first time seeing kangaroo and koala and this experience has contributed to my personal growth in terms of understanding the true beauty of nature, this has also led to self reflection thinking about how our lifestyles in Hong Kong might be affecting their natural habitat in some form of way.

Ka Yi Ho is on a semester exchange at Flinders University from the University of Hong Kong: Semester 1 2017


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Global Experience Inbound Student Blogs

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