First Month in Adelaide

Wow, I cannot believe I have already been in Adelaide for just over a month now. It has been such a crazy, exciting experience and I can’t wait for what’s to come next.

The past month has been filled with lots of activities. I went to quite a few events and trips put on by the International Office, as well as the new ‘FUSE Club’ (Flinders University Student Exchange Club).  I attended a trip to Victor Harbour, as well as Cleland Wildlife Park. I absolutely loved Victor Habour. It is a really cute little area and I loved exploring around Granite Island. A highlight of that trip was that we got to go on a boat ride and see real-life wild dolphins!!!. Being from Canada I had never seen wild dolphins before and it was so amazing. Cleland wildlife park was also a really wonderful place. I especially enjoyed seeing the wombats and koalas!

One of my favourite things I have done since I’ve been here was go on a surf trip with the FUSE Club to Goolwa Beach. It has long been a dream of mine to try surfing and it definitely lived up to my expectations. I ended up catching quite a few waves and I am already planning my next surf trip! I would highly recommend joining the FUSE Club, as they put on lots of awesome events like the surf trip and it’s also a great way to meet people!

As for Adelaide itself, I am really enjoying living here. It is a nice sized city with a good mix of fun events going on in the city, as well some really beautiful sites to see outside of it. One of my favourites has been attending the Fringe Festival that was going on in February and March. There is some awesome food and shows to see there.

Overall I have been having a lot of fun and everyone has been really kind and welcoming. I am looking forward to mid-semester break to explore Kangaroo Island, the Great Ocean Road, Byron Bay, Gold Coast, and Brisbane. I have a lot of travel plans coming up so stay tuned!

Piper Matus on semester exchange at Flinders University from University of Calgary, Canada during Semester 1, 2018


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Inbound Student Blogs Student Exchange 101

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