With just five weeks left of my exchange the cruel realisation of returning to life back home has begun to creep in. Although I think it will be with great regret that I must leave the small city of Frankfurt Oder, I have made memories and friends here that may last a lifetime.
My time here has been a fulfilling one, teaching me a lot about the German lifestyle and the many aspects that encompass it ranging from their language, attitudes and of course, love of beer. It has also given me the opportunity to experience many other cultures that I think wouldn’t be possible for me by simply studying only at Flinders.
In the time since my last blog, I have travelled to Copenhagen and Istanbul. Both were amazing experiences that I was lucky enough to spend with some good friends that I’ve made while being here. I am hoping I will still be able to visit one or two more places before my return to Adelaide in August, but naturally my current main priority is surviving the dreaded exam period.
Without a doubt I would recommend a semester exchange to anyone, it truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity. And for those considering Europe as their desired destination then studying at the Viadrina in Frankfurt Oder is most definitely the place to go. I think my only regret is not being able to do a full year exchange, but maybe it’s time to consider doing a Masters.
Scott Townsend, Bachelor of Commerce (Finance)/Bachelor of Business (International Business) student, Semester 1 2018 exchange at European University of Viadrina, Germany