Välkommen till Uppsala

It’s hard to believe that after more than a year of planning, I’m now almost two months through my exchange in Uppsala, and it still feels […]

UofC So Far...

  So far so good! I’m really enjoying my experience so far at University of Calgary, lots of things are super different to my university lifestyle […]

Final Weeks in Calgary

Sadly, I am into the final few weeks of my time as a student at the University of Calgary, and I have genuinely had a blast. […]


Quoting Winnie the Pooh, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard!” It has been more than three months since I […]


毎日日本語を勉強します! (Every day I study Japanese!) As an international student at Flinders University, the idea of studying in a foreign country is not new to me—culture […]

NCP Malaysia Post-Departure

After three incredible weeks studying at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), The National University of Malaysia, I have returned home. I’ve caught up with family that I […]

Blog 1 - going to Europe

I’m sitting in Dubai airport, sipping coffee ($8) and writing this blog. Through domed windows I see planes land and take off – again and again, […]