Project Compass is looking at ways to improve the student experience at Flinders, both on-campus and online. The aim of the project is to support student success at Flinders, by enhancing their access to support services, improving their sense of belonging to the University and streamlining communication and information sharing. Run in direct collaboration with students, the project is focussed on improving four key areas.
- Visibility of support services. Improving the way students learn about, and access, the support services available.
- Providing and actioning of feedback. Providing a clear channel for students to provide feedback and communicating back what actions are taken based on their feedback.
- Communication and personalisation. Improving communication and information provided to students, making it relevant and timely.
- Sense of belonging. Helping foster ways in which students can meet other students and form relationships with their peers.
Student involvement is pivotal to Project Compass. The project team regularly consults with the Student View Group (approx. 30 students) to identify issues to resolve, and to prioritise work.
This work is then endorsed by the Compass Program Board and approved by the Digital Student and Teaching Services Governance Group (Chaired by Prof. Clare Pollock, Deputy Vice Chancellor Students).
If you would like to be a member of the Student View Group and get involved in Project Compass, as well as a range of other University programs of work, please email