During May 2019 we invited all students and staff to participate in the Library Satisfaction Survey. Thanks to all who responded – we had a great response of 2,503. The survey is essential to gathering feedback about the student experience and satisfaction with library services. We will use the results to shape and improve our services based on the needs and expectations of our students.
We’d like to share some of the key findings from the results by drawing a picture of a typical student who responded to the survey.
A typical student
- uses Central Library most
- is probably an undergraduate
- is likely to be studying in the area of health sciences, or education
- comes into the Library either daily or between two to four times a week
- will also use the online Library either daily or between two to four times a week
- use a combination of print books, journals and articles, and ebooks to find information for their research and learning
- appreciates the Library space as somewhere to concentrate and do sustained study and research.
Where the Library is performing well according to what the typical student rates as important:
- Access to wireless
- Help from Library staff when needed
- Opening hours matching their need
- Access to resources and services even when not on campus
- Access to Library information (inc. online resources) useful for and enabling success in their studies.
Where the Library could further assist the typical student:
- Finding a quiet space in the Library to study when needed
- Opening Readings easily
- Using FindIt (search tool) to find relevant resources quickly
- Providing topic specific resources (online readings and print texts)
The Library’s response
You asked for: It’s available now
- Quieter air-conditioning at the Medical Library
- Better Wi-Fi within the Medical Library
- A new Readings system
- E-textbooks purchased whenever available from the publisher.
You asked for: It’s coming
- We will purchase new (cleaner) task chairs for all libraries before the end of 2019
- We will allocate some bookable group study spaces in the 24/7 space at Central
- We will introduce bookable individual silent study spaces by 2020
- Whiteboards for each group study space
- We are updating, a more easily navigable website
- Clearer communication about classes booked in the Library labs.
You asked for: It needs more planning
- Interactive AV rooms, more media technology
- Media labs
- Additional power-points
- Additional 24/7 areas e.g. Medical and Sturt Libraries.
See the Library Satisfaction Survey results overview document.