Name: Lizzie
How far are you into your study? I have recently finished my fourth and final year of combined Bachelor of International Tourism and Bachelor of Business.
How have you been feeling this week as Flinders transitions online?
As I’ve already finished my studies I haven’t been affected by the transition but I have completed online topics in the past and while it can feel different to coming to class it can have its perks too! As long as you keep on top of everything and keep in contact with tutors you’ll become more comfortable working online.
What is some advice you’d give to first years and other university students right now?
For first years I would say-no this isn’t the ideal circumstances to be starting your studies but I would also tell you to stick with it because if you can get through this chaotic year I’m sure your following years will be a breeze. I think for all students it’s important to stay positive about your study at this stressful time which is easier said than done but take this extra time at home to stay focused and continue to live a balanced lifestyle day to day. Continue to give yourself routine while at home. Make sure to relax, socialise and exercise around your study time and reach out if you need support whether you’re a first year or a fifth year!
*Have an idea for our wellbeing blog or would you like to write one for us? Email to let us know!