My name is Prema and I joined Flinders in 2020 for a Master of Social Work. After spending 15 years in Dubai, I was very happy to move to Australia. I find many older people who are still working here which we don’t find back in India or in Dubai. Australia gives opportunities for everyone to grow and perform better.
I was very happy to get admission to Flinders and was really enjoying all my lectures and tutorials when everything was stopped because of COVID. I had met many students who became my friends in such a short time span. Although I miss my friends and personal talks with the lecturers, technology has helped us to keep in contact with everyone. Initially I found it difficult to do everything online but gradually got used to it. I miss my drive of 40 minutes to the University everyday since I like to drive. I have taken it positively and feel that the environment is less polluted because people are not driving. This also saves time in commuting as we can access lectures right from our homes.
I find that in Flinders all the lecturers are very supportive and reach out to us immediately if we need any help with regard to our assignments or studies. I get prompt reply from my emails which is excellent.
We can organise our time better if we schedule our work in such a way that we spend sometime on studies everyday. As a student of Social Work I must say that they are a lot of things to do. We have to be up to date with the assignments, readings, lectures and watch all the documentaries. Also, juggling the duties of a mother, wife and student is not very easy. We must use this time efficiently by caring for ourselves and spending time on activities we enjoy.