We hope that your time at Flinders University will be rewarding and enjoyable.
While studying with us if you encounter an issue with your course or topic, a University service, or an action or behaviour of another student or a staff member that needs to be resolved, you can request that the specific issue is investigated by following the University’s complaint resolution steps.
What do I do if I have a complaint?
Most complaints can be resolved informally by raising your concerns with the person who is responsible for the matter or decision. If you have not been able to resolve your complaint informally, or do not wish to discuss your complaint informally, you can make a formal complaint in writing using the online student complaints form.
Flinders will:
- take your complaint seriously
- treat all parties with fairness and impartiality
- resolve your complaint as quickly as possible
- apply the principles of procedural fairness
- treat your complaint with appropriate confidentiality.
What if I don’t agree with a University decision?
A review of a decision is the second formal stage in the University’s internal complaints and appeals processes. Reviewable decisions include the outcome of a complaint or a formal decision by a University Committee or decision-maker. Examples of reviewable decisions include:
A decision about an application for credit
An unsatisfactory student progress decision
Before submitting a request for a review, you are encouraged to discuss the matter with the decision maker, who can inform you of the reasons for the decision.
Your request for review must be made within 20 University business days of being advised of the decision. You can submit your request using the online review form.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your request for review, you may be able to lodge an appeal with the Student Appeals Committee. An appeal against a University review decision may be lodged only on one or more of the following grounds:
- that new and relevant material exists that was not reasonably available to the student before the review decision was made and that would have a significant impact on the decision
- that there was a misapplication of policy or procedure resulting in some real disadvantage to the student
- that the sanction applied was manifestly excessive, or
- that there was a bias or a conflict of interest on the part of the reviewer
Your appeal must be made within 20 University business days of the outcome of the review. You can submit your appeal application using the online appeal form.
For more information on the University’s complaint, review and appeal process, please look at the Complaints and Appeals webpage. You can also look at the Student policy guide for more information on what University policies may be relevant to your concerns.
Need support with the process?
Contact Student Policy and Integrity Services if you would like initial information or advice about student related policies and procedures. You can email studentcomplaints@flinders.edu.au or call 08 8201 5099.
Other University support services can assist you too:
- Student Assist at Flinders University Student Association (FUSA) provides free, independent and confidential advocacy and support to help you resolve your complaint informally, or to help you lodge a formal complaint, request for review or appeal.
- The Student Equal Opportunity Advisorcan provide you with advice on your options on making a complaint concerning unlawful discrimination, harrassment or bullying.
- Flinders University does not tolerate sexual harassment and sexual assault. For more information visit Safety on Campus.
- If you are experiencing stress, health issues or you would like to receive some counselling support during the complaints or appeals process you can contact Health, Counselling and Disability Services. There is an out-of-hours crisis line available on 1300 512 409.