Teaching Online Workshop

In order to support the recent announcement that all lectures will move online as of Tuesday 17 March, staff are able to access a new workshop – Teaching Online.

Teaching Online is designed to outline the key things you need to know when teaching online. It will help you:

  • get familiar with the learning technology pillars that support online learning: video, Collaborate, FLO, online readings
  • with practical advice on how to enact key online teaching practices to ensure an interactive and engaging learning experience; be an active teacher; be socially present; communicate with students; assess and give feedback
  • take steps to ensure that you have optimised your FLO site for students who may be experiencing low bandwidth (FLO technical checklist)
  • work through the process of converting your on-campus topic to online (considerations for converting to online).

You have two options for doing this workshop:

  • Take it online at your own pace (see below for how to access the site).
  • Attend a 2 hour face-to-face workshop (enrol for an ‘Upcoming event’).

Accessing Teaching Online – self paced
Teaching Online is available as a topic through Flinders Learning Online (FLO). You can self-enrol:

  • Click here.
  • This link takes you to FLO and a page that says Teaching Online: Self Enrolment (Student). Click the Continue button.
  • Click the blue ‘Enrol me’ button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Start the Teaching Online workshop.
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