Your FLO topic site can be a vital resource to help students find and clarify details about topic assessment, understand the context of assessment, and know when and where to seek help.
By using suitable online tools for assessment activities, you can help students to practice digital skills, build learner independence, work with their peers, and thrive through the valuable feedback and marking they receive.
If you are looking for ideas about how FLO tools can be used for assessment, the following Tip Sheets can help you to begin:
- Tip sheet – Scaffolding assessment in FLO: This tip sheet focuses on scaffolding content and activities so there is a layered progression from simple to more complex ideas. The FLO site is a place where assessment scaffolding can be configured, and where marking occurs.
- Rubrics and marking guides in FLO: This tip sheet provides an overview of the different methods that can be used within FLO to create, communicate, and use rubrics and marking guides for marking students’ assessment and providing feedback.
- Marking in FLO using the assignment tool: In this tip sheet we look at the things to consider when planning and building your assessment, along with functions available to help you manage and mark your assessment.
Now that the new Flinders Assessment Policy is active, keep an eye out for even more assessment tip sheets and good practice guides covering how to use FLO to support these new assessment policies and practices. Moving Assessment Online is a self-paced workshop that can also help you in the meantime.
You are also invited to submit an eLearning Service One request to your College Learning Designer for help with using FLO for assessing students.