When creating and setting up your assessments within FLO, paying attention to the instruction, guidance and scaffolding you provide students with can promote student success.
Start by thinking about what information you need to provide:
- before teaching begins
- before the assessment due date
- after the assessment has been submitted
In addition to the usual information like SAMs, due dates, rubrics, marking guides and assignment instructions, you could provide information to offer more comprehensive support. To take the support you provide to your students to the next level, you could:
- explain how the assessments link to the learning outcomes and learning activities they have already completed
- point students to a place where they are able to ask questions about the assessment(s), eg a discussion forum
- provide exemplars or practice assessments
- create an opportunity for students to discuss feedback as a group
Having a consistent approach to assessment information in FLO can help students to feel confident that they can access all the information and support that is available. It can also help to reduce the number of similar questions you are answering from individual students.
The tip sheet – Providing students with comprehensive assessment information and support in FLO provides a wide range of suggestions to demonstrate practical ways you can easily take your assessment information and support to a higher level.