About the Timetabling project
Timetabling is one of the core University processes which has a big impact on the smooth functioning of our teaching and learning services. Academic staff and students rely heavily on this process to be as accurate, timely and transparent as possible.
In 2015, the timetabling function was consolidated into Resource Scheduling Services, Student Administration Services. A new IT system was launched at that time to manage the University timetable and the Timetabling Principles were established to achieve coordinated and consistent timetabling practices.
The current timetabling principles and supporting procedures pre-date the College and professional services transformation at Flinders. It is time to review and update these considering staff feedback received through forums like the Service Review. This will also ensure that we are working towards improving our services and meeting University goals.
Student Administration Services, in partnership with the Business Improvement (BI) team, launched a deep-dive analysis into the current Timetabling process in March 2020. As part of this review, the BI team consulted with key stakeholders across the University to understand the current process and identify improvement opportunities. These will be implemented as a program of work under the Timetabling Project.
A Steering Committee will be convened to ensure that initiatives within this project are reviewed, prioritised, and monitored for alignment to University Strategy. This committee includes representatives from key areas across the University. The Committee will meet quarterly, or as required, to assess and prioritise the pipeline of work and evaluate the ongoing progress.
Steering Committee
Membership of the steering committee includes:
- Vice President and Executive Dean, NHS (Chair)
- Director, Student Administration Services
- Director, Properties, Facilities and Development
- Dean (Education), College of Medicine and Public Health
- Dean (Education), College of Business, Government and Law
- Dean (Education), College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
- Director of College Services, College of Science and Engineering
- Director of College Services, Colleges of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
- Associate Director, Planning and Analytical Services
- Associate Director, Digital Student and Teaching Services
- Student Representative (Student President/ Education Officer)
- Business Improvement Lead
Current status and next steps
A lot of work has happened since March 2020, when the project was launched.
In the initiation phase, the team has completed high-level process mapping along with detailed process map for each phase of the timetabling process and completed stakeholder identification.
During the following analysis phase, the team has:
- Validated current processes across all colleges
- Collaborated with Resource Scheduling Services to map the current process in detail
- Consulted with 80+ academic and professional staff members.
As an outcome of the analysis, key improvement opportunities have been identified and consolidated.
The Steering Committee will review the improvement opportunities identified and prioritise them for implementation.
Contact us
For any questions or feedback, please contact us by email business.improvement@flinders.edu.au