Inspire is Australia’s first ‘digital doctorate’, the one place where HDR students, supervisors, and other HDR stakeholders can see what is happening and what needs to be done to ensure HDR student success.
Inspire Release 3 started the process of enabling HDR student milestones to be entered and tracked. Inspire Release 3.1 completes this process.
All HDR student milestones can now be easily managed through Inspire:
- Confirmation of Candidature
- Mid-Candidature Review
- Interim Review(s), for part-time students
- Interim Confirmation of Candidature
- Interim Mid-Candidature Review
- Interim Final Thesis Review
- Final Thesis Review
- Post-Final Thesis Review, for those students still enrolled after their Final Thesis has been submitted.
(A dashboard view of these milestones is forthcoming soon.)
With Inspire Release 3.1, all HDR students can benefit from tracking their candidature to achieve timely completion.
Inspire Release 3.1 supersedes the previous application used to manage milestones, RHD Research Excellence (REX). We thank all HDR students and supervisors for their patience during the transition phase from REX to Inspire for the submission of milestones. Note: REX is still available for thesis examination submissions.
The Office of Graduate Research (OGR) will be in touch with affected HDR students soon regarding milestones that are due. To help in the transition, in January and February 2019 HDR students and their supervisors can get hands-on training and support from OGR. See the Inspire Milestone Workshop page in Inspire itself for the training schedule.
If you have any questions, contact the HDR Progression Team in the Office of Graduate Research.