Think big, be innovative and put forward your ideas for better precision approaches to healthcare.

As part of the FHMRI ambition to increase collaboration across our College, the University and beyond, we are initiating a call around Big Ideas in research. This is occurring across all FHMRI Themes. The Molecular Biosciences Theme is leading a “Precision Medicine/Healthcare” Big Idea. Precision medicine/healthcare can be defined broadly or narrowly, but it is clear that personalized/tailored healthcare has a strong future in medical research and healthcare.  As an example, Precision Medicine might refer to concepts such as novel targeted approaches to disease detection and therapy or the targeted application of existing therapies to improve outcomes and/or reduce treatment failure/adverse responses.

You are invited to consider how your research area could contribute to the broad topic of precision medicine. We are asking for brief (approximately half a page) outlines of your Big Idea and any potential partners that may be involved.

While a strong focus of Molecular Biosciences concerns discovery and basic science, clinical approaches and questions, big data and machine learning can also play an important part of this Big Idea. It is also worth considering how we can best leverage opportunities in this with clinical partners including SAHLN and NT health services, and maximise the use of available biobanks and clinical data.

Following submission of your half page expression of interest you will be invited you to attend a workshop to further develop these ideas and to understand areas of shared interest, expertise and critical mass. The aim is to develop ideas into projects and programs competitive for large funding applications (Synergy, CRE, MRFF etc). We will be seeking funds to support this development work. If you don’t have a potential area you wish to submit, but are interested in understanding more about this concept, please contact us also.

Please forward your expression of interest before 16th November to  Questions can be directed to (cancer) or

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