Working bee at Flinders food garden

Helpers are wanted for the second planting spree at the new Flinders Market Garden.

The garden is part of the Grow, Eat, Learn program that has University staff and students collaborating to nurture a variety of gardens on campus.

A second planting day at the garden, located behind Anchor Court on the hill between the former McHugh’s cafe and the Biology Discovery Centre, will be held on 26 October from 10am to 3pm.

All staff are invited to join students and the garden team to help plant veggies and herbs.

Addressing sustainability issues by providing a practical solution, the market garden will ultimately provide food for the Flinders community.

Within this beautiful, relaxing space, helpers can volunteer their time in exchange for fresh produce from the garden – an outcome that will help reduce Flinders’ carbon footprint.

The first gardening day on this site in August was a huge success, with the establishment of seven citrus trees, seven pistachio trees, about 60 native plants, and eight planter boxes full of herbs and vegetables.

This happened after truck-loads of soil, stone and mulch were shovelled, 35 bales of pea straw bound together, dozens of meters of irrigation installed, and six concrete benches put in place.

This week’s planting day aims to create raised veggie beds, plant apples, pears, tomatoes, and more native plants, herbs and vegetables.

Helpers will be able to share a free lunch after the planting, with like-minded Flinders staff and students who are engaging in this beneficial community project.

Updates on the Flinders Market Garden and additional information is available at the Grow, Eat, Learn Facebook page.

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