Have your say on inclusion

A new member is sought for Flinders’ equal opportunity committee, and all staff are invited to contribute their views on University initiatives to support gender inclusion through a confidential survey.

New member for diversity committee

Flinders’ Equal Opportunity and Diversity Committee is seeking an additional female representative and staff will soon receive an email calling for nominations.

For the purpose of the election, a female staff member refers to a professional or academic employee who is a woman and holds a continuing or fixed-term appointment.

Keep your eyes out for the email, or contact equal.opportunity@flinders.edu.au for more information.

Have your say on LGBTIQ inclusion

All staff are invited to participate in a confidential employee survey to provide feedback on Flinders University initiatives to support gender inclusivity.

As part of the University’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, it submits to the Australian Workplace Equality Index, which sets the benchmark for LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex and queer) workplace inclusion and provides Flinders’ with feedback on how it is tracking.

The University is also keen to receive feedback on lived experiences, or employee perceptions, to better understand how LGBTIQ inclusion initiatives are applying in practice.

The anonymous survey can be accessed online until 31 March 2019. Staff are asked not to distribute the link to non-Flinders staff, as it is a unique Flinders survey and should only reflect staff views. The survey link has been supplied in the staff newsletter article.

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