Time to Netflix, or network?

It’s easy to retreat into comfort zones in unusual times, but investing in new skills pays off, particularly during uncertain economic times. A club at Flinders University is focused on developing employees’ verbal communication skills, it’s available to all, and right now can help participants skill up in the comfort of their own home!

The Flinders University Toastmasters Club is open to everyone – staff, students and the community – and right now is a cost-free way to build resilience in the workforce.

The group meets twice a month for two hours, currently on Zoom, delivering friendly company, entertainment, new skills and broadening horizons for the price of a video streaming connection.

Meetings test the creativity, spontaneity, preparation and listening skills of participants and share feedback in a kind and caring environment. It’s about public speaking, persuasive speaking and improving all-round verbal communication skills.

Guests are invited to drop in on the next zoom meeting this Thursday 28 May (4:30pm), at https://zoom.us/j/532185705?pwd=dHRTdHp5bXdlNjlteHVEdVByUkRjUT09

There are 380,000 people involved in the initiative around the world, and anyone is welcome to join Flinders University’s community of staff and students who have already grown and gained from the experience.

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