Join events during National Reconciliation Week

This year Flinders University celebrates the first anniversary of our RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan) within National Reconciliation Week, and we invite our community to join the activities on offer as we acknowledge our contribution to the nation’s reconciliation journey.

National Reconciliation Week, which this year runs  from 27 May to 3 June, commemorates two important milestones in Australia’s reconciliation journey: the 1967 referendum that introduced Australian voting rights for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the historic 1992 Mabo decision by the High Court of Australia, that ushered in a new era for Indigenous land rights in this nation.

The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2021 – More Than A Word #NRW2021 #MoreThanAWord – signifies a reconciliation movement towards braver more impactful action as the community joins together to build stronger relationships with and values for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories and cultures.

Flinders, which recognises that the path to reconciliation is a whole-of-university responsibility, will be involved in six events during the week:

  • National Reconciliation Week Breakfast at the Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace, from 6.30am to 9am, 27 May.
  • RAP Anniversary Student Celebration, being held on the Ground Level, Student Hub, Flinders University, from 10am to 11.30am, 28 May.
  • The Lowitja O’Donoghue Oration 2021, featuring Pat Anderson AO at Bonython Hall, North Terrace, Adelaide, 6.30pm, 1 June.
  • Brave Reconciliation Week: Aboriginal Nutrition presented by Annabelle Wilson, Alere Function Centre, 2 June
  • Sharing History and Culture – Flinders Library First Nations Collection, presented in the Flinders University Central Library, all day from 27 May to 3 June.
  • FUMA’s National Reconciliation Week Floortalks: Tours explaining the exhibition Looking Glass: Judy Watson and Yhonnie Scarce, from noon to 1pm, 27 May to 3 June at Flinders University Museum of Art, ground floor, Social Sciences North Building.

There will also be screenings of three special events on the superscreen in the Plaza:

  • Thursday 27 May – Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony, followed by Elder Forum Rerun.
  • Friday 28 May – Living Black: Patrick Dodson, the Father of Reconciliation.
  • Monday 31 May – TED Talk: The Myth of Aboriginal Stories Being Myths by Flinders graduate Jacinta Koolmatrie.

Flinders University also has a range of RAP merchandise being offered for sale, featuring lanyards, mugs, notebooks
drink bottles and tea towels – and just like the RAP pins that have been available for the past year, a portion of the sale proceeds will be directed to the Flinders Indigenous Scholarship Fund.

Click here to find the full range of events and how to confirm your access to participate. Keep an eye out on Flinders University’s social channels for informative updates on #NRW2021 #MoreThanAWord.

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