Geographer honoured with fifth edition

Emeritus Professor Iain Hay’s book Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography has had its fifth edition released by Oxford University Press – a publishing achievement that is understood to be a first for an Australian and New Zealand geographer.

This edition adds distinguished scholar and academic leader Professor Meghan Cope as co-editor.

Initially produced as a key volume to present Australian and New Zealand scholarly ‘voices’ in a predominantly Anglo-American textbook market, this book is now the leading global volume in its field.

Emeritus Professor Hay’s book, and others like it, are growing in significance as the veracity and credibility of all scientific inquiry is increasingly brought into question. The COVID-19 pandemic has also changed the ways in which qualitative research methods can be practised and is demanding careful thinking about ways forward.

While this book does not take up such matters specifically, it does help provide key foundations for effective research that can be transferred as research pivots to new pandemic-shaped research variations.

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