Decommissioning of Moodle, Kaltura and Collaborate

As the end of the year draws near, it is time to prepare for the decommissioning of Moodle, Kaltura and Collaborate, which will occur on Thursday 21 December 2023.

While teaching and learning materials (including course sites and information sites) are migrating over to Canvas, some content will not migrate, such as:

  • Personal FLO sites (e.g. Sandpits)
  • Collaborate recordings
  • Personal Kaltura videos
  • Learning and teaching materials not in the most recently taught version of a topic

If anyone has materials that are not migrating to Canvas that they wish to keep, they will need to save a copy of them to their computers. To assist with this task, the Download FLO guide explains how to download anything from Moodle, Kaltura and Collaborate.

What happens if a student challenges their grade?

The university has contracted an archiving service to assist with grade challenges and student complaints. The service will not have the capability to source missing content.

How are students being supported?

Students will be provided with a suite of resources to help them download any content they want to keep, which will be communicated through multiple channels.

What happens if someone does not download their content before 21 December?

Once Moodle, Kaltura and Collaborate are shut down, there will be no way to recover missing content.

Visit the Download FLO website for further information.

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