Professional staff development and growth

The Organisational Development & Diversity team is pleased to offer a new suite of pilot workshops for continuing and fixed-term professional staff, delivered by a range of expert facilitators.

Build a resilient, adaptable, high-performing team, 11 April – featuring Tracy Maxted of The Missing Think.

Building and leading a successful team is a bit like conducting an orchestra, with every person needing to play their part well for the team to succeed and thrive. Therefore, building a team which is resilient, adaptable and high-performing is at the top of most leaders’ wish-list. For this workshop, participants will identify elements of a high-performing team within their context, diagnose when things aren’t going as planned, and learn how to develop a sense of team in a psychologically safe manner. If you want to develop individuals into a thriving team that can adapt to change and deliver key outcomes, this is the workshop for you.

EQ Experience, 30 April – featuring Nathan Jones, from Mood Institute.

When it comes to happiness and success at work and in everyday life, emotional intelligence (EQ) has been shown to matter as much as IQ. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use and manage your emotions in positive ways to communicate effectively, empathise with others and overcome challenges. In this workshop, Nathan Jones, Director of Mood Institute, will take you on an immersive journey, with engaging activities to harness emotions effectively, drive enhanced workplace relationships and succeed.

Lead strategically through complexity and competing priorities, 1 May – featuring Tracy Maxted of The Missing Think.

Do you feel like you are fighting fires all the time? Concerned that you work hard, fast and smart every day but still never seem to get everything done? In this interactive and engaging workshop, you can learn practical strategies to:

  • Remain calm, clear and focused through change and challenge.
  • Reduce time spent fighting fires and increase strategic decision-making, prioritisation and communication.
  • Get the important things done each day, and bring others along with you to also achieve.
  • Align individual and team goals and activities with University and Portfolio strategic priorities.

Please seek your manager’s approval before registering for these workshops.

Other funding opportunities for professional development are available, including the Professional Staff Development Fund, Professional Staff Conference Scheme, Study Assistance scheme, and Study Tour applications are also now open.

To explore all streams and development available for professional staff in 2024, please see the Professional Staff Learning Framework.

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Professional development