Building capacity in multiple-choice question (MCQ) writing
A joint initiative of Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand (MDANZ) and the Australian Medical Council (AMC), proudly hosted by Flinders University
Wednesday 15 February 2023. Register to attend
Inviting Flinders staff, Academic Status holders and clinicians who teach, or are interested in teaching, Flinders medical students to:
- Build our skills in item / MCQ writing
- Develop item / MCQ banks for robust assessment of Flinders medical students
- Network with academic and clinical colleagues
High quality Multiple-Choice Questions in Single Best Answer (MCQ SBA) format are a valuable and important assessment method in medical education. Developing quality MCQ SBA items is complex. It is not just a matter of mastering rules and guiding principles of item writing; there is also a creative process of generating ideas for items which target specific areas of knowledge (aligned with the curriculum through blueprinting), and appropriately test application of knowledge. Quality assurance then involves reviewing items for relevance, content correctness, design flaws and alignment with stage of learning.
This collaborative, structured workshop is an opportunity for MCQ SBA item writers in medical education to learn from assessment experts and put their knowledge into practice. The aim is to build capacity in quality MCQ SBA item writing and improve our self-sufficiency in generating assessment items, thereby ensuring that MCQs suit our context and needs. This ultimately helps to future proof assessment in the Flinders MD.
Please note, workshops will be held concurrently in Bedford Park (SA) and Darwin (NT)
Welcome and introduction
11:30am (Adelaide, ACDT) | 10:30am (Darwin, ACST)
Dr Peter Harris (Chair, AMC MCQ Assessment Panel)
MCQ Writing Workshop
1:00pm – 3:30pm (Adelaide, ACDT) | 12 noon – 2:30pm (Darwin, ACST)
Professor Lambert Schuwirth and Professor Michael Shanahan (SA)
Dr Kishan Pandithage (NT)
Flinders MD Item Bank
All MCQs developed in the workshop will be collated and refined for use in medical student assessments.
Please email to find out more.