I’m a PhD Candidate in English, in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. My research focuses on the Romantic poet and painter, inventor and eccentric visionary, William Blake (1757-1827). I am looking at Blake’s longest complete work, a 100-page illustrated poem, Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion, and mapping Blake’s idea of the human, and more specifically, human genius therein. I argue that Blake’s trope of human genius, otherwise known as the daimon, to use an ancient Greek term, provides an allegory for the practice of literature as a means for understanding ourselves as human beings. I critique this allegory in light of recent theoretical approaches to literature.
Another aspect of what I’m doing (among other ventures) is giving public talks, to a general audience, on aspects of literary studies and the humanities. And on this note, I have a talk coming up.
I will discuss the ins and outs of poetry. How does poetry access an experience larger than words on a page? How do we interpret poetry without explaining this experience away? In what ways does poetry maximise the use of language? And what do some well-known poets have to say about poetry? All this and more will be covered in this interactive discussion.
Gold coin on entry. Bookings are essential. Please phone Unley Libraries on 8372 5100 or book online here. Light refreshments provided.
I hope to see you there.