The University recognises that a higher degree by research represents a considerable achievement, reflecting hard work and a high level of commitment and dedication.
Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishment!
Komalee Nadeeka Damayanthi Mahamadachchi | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Business, Government and Law
“Investigating the Implementation of the 2007 National Solid Waste Management Policy in Sri Lanka”
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Tahlia Hart | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Business, Government and Law
“Underaged & Digitally Engaged: Adolescent Use of Adult-Based Platforms”
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Thomas Jupe | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Business, Government and Law
“State Responsibility for Genocide and the Lens of State Crime: An Interdisciplinary Case Study of the Rohingya of Myanmar”
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Asma Akther | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
“The adaptation of Australian-born children of skilled immigrants
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Jo Shearer | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
“An Explanatory Mixed Methods Study of South Australian Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Preparation for Disability-Inclusive Education”
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Lucy Bird | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
““We despair”: Understanding the effect of political despair on personal well-being and actions to promote social change”
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Ali Dymmott | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
“The allied health rural generalist pathway: A workforce initiative”
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Dylan Hicks| Doctor of Philosophy
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
“Force-velocity profiling in jumping and sprinting actions: Exploring the utility to enhance performance in individual and team sport populations”
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Lyn Rabbetts | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
“Finding balance as an invited guest: Registered nurses’ lived experience of providing home-based palliative care in rural communities”
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Bradley Kirk | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Thermal stability of slot-die coated Organic Photovoltaics”
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Farzaneh Mohammadbeigi |Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Design and implementation of a passive wireless sensor to monitor bone fracture healing”
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Jesse Daughtry | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Deposition, Topographic and Spectroscopic Studies of Metal Nanoclusters on Photocatalytic Surfaces”
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Mohsen Feyzi | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Tribocorrosion behaviour of Ti and CoCrMo biometals in metal-on-metal contacts: analytical modelling and experimental evaluation”
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Scott Anderson | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Enhancing IoT Cybersecurity Frameworks”
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