Groundwater is often called the forgotten resource.
It lies beneath our feet and supplies wells, bores, springs and flow to our rivers. One-third of the world’s population is dependent on groundwater. As we continue to face droughts and national water shortages, we are increasingly turning to groundwater as a water supply. But it must be better understood and more effectively managed.
This presentation will demonstrate how Flinders University and the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training are tackling some critical groundwater problems in the nation.
Craig T. Simmons is Professor of Hydrogeology at Flinders University and Director of the new National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT). Adrian D. Werner is Associate Professor of Hydrogeology, Flinders University and chief investigator for two important NCGRT sub-programs.
Noel Stockdale Room, Central Library, Flinders University
Friday 6 November 2009, 3.30 pm
All welcome – admission free – light refreshments.