Relive pre-video days with reel-to-reel projectors, popcorn and fantales!
As part of About Time: South Australia’s History Festival, this year’s offering in the popular History at the Movies series features a selection of 16mm documentaries on Australian motoring from the 50s to the 70s, with experts providing commentary and leading a lively discussion.
The films include a 1951 documentary on motor body building, road safety films from the 1950s and 1960s, and ‘Four Hectic Days’, an account of the 1965 BP rally in Southeastern Australia.
This event runs twice:
- Thursday 26 May, 5-7pm, Drill Hall, Torrens Parade Ground, Victoria Drive, Adelaide
- Friday 27 May, 3-5pm, Noel Stockdale Room, Central Library, Flinders University.
Speakers include Allison Russell, Acting Director, National Motor Museum; Mike Walsh, Department of Screen and Media at Flinders; and James Harrison, Centre for Injury Studies at Flinders.
All welcome, free admission, no bookings required, light refreshments served.
Presented in collaboration with National Motor Museum and the Departments of History and Screen & Media, and sponsored by Unibooks and NTEU.
For details contact 08 8201 5238 or