Placement educators benefit from interstate expert

More than 20 placement sites benefited from higher education expert, Dr Claire Palermo APD, who was this year’s guest facilitator at the 2015 Flinders University dietetic annual strategic forum. The theme, suggested by last year’s dietetic participants and of keen interest to Placement Educators, was ‘Defining entry level practice for teaching feedback and assessment on placement’.

Claire, a Senior Lecturer from Monash University, has an Australia Government’s Office for Teaching and Learning Fellowship to advance learning and teaching in higher education by supporting leading educators and practioners. There were 23 organisations represented at the forum: 11 from interstate and rural areas who video conference in and another 12 organisation representatives who attended in person. Placement educators from the domains of Food Service, Clinical and Community actively participated in the discussion and had the opportunity to work with an expert in this field. International sites were also invited and if you are interested in seeing the recorded session please contact Amanda on (Photo: Alison Yaxley APD Food Services Coordinator, Claire Palermo APD, Amanda Wray APD Clinical Coordinator, Kaye Mehta APD Public Health and Community Coordinator and Jo Hartley APD Community Engagement Research Officer)

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