Nutrition student peer educators support fellow students of different faiths

StEW peer educators Sarah Scott (BND) and Mariyyah Mohd Ja Afar (BHSNutr) presented at the OASIS end of year celebration on the 21st October. They did Flinders University Nutrition and Dietetics proud with a description of the nutrition program they ran at OASIS and their hopes for the continued engagement of StEW next year with their improved facilities. Their place in the evening’s program showed the value that OASIS places on StEW. We look forward to working with OASIS next year for the StEW program.

The Student Eat Well (StEW) program was developed in 2012 as a peer-education nutrition program involving nutrition and dietetic students (from BND, MND and BHScNutr ). The StEW program aims to work with these students to increase health promotion skills, increase social connection across courses and year levels, and to build professional identity by training them to run mini community nutrition programs for students within Flinders University. The StEW peer educators work with Flinders students to improve knowledge about healthy eating, improve healthy food choices and build social connections through food. Heidi Jak, Community Nutrition Engagement Officer is the StEW coordinator and is available to contact for any information about the program.

oasis presentation 2

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