ANZOS 2016 Conference Wrap-up

Dr Lucy Bell reports on the 2016 Australia and New Zealand Obesity Society (ANZOS) Annual Scientific Meeting in Brisbane, Australia in September. This forum presents on obesity-related work across public health & policy, intervention & clinical studies, metabolism & integrated physiology as well as psychology, physical activity and lifestyle medicine. Over the course of the two days experts spoke on food and beverage taxation, sugar and obesity, and controversies in obesity management. Keynote speaker, Professor Barry Popkin, a distinguished professor in nutrition at the University of North Carolina, presented on his world-renowned work on the nutrition transition – the rapid shift in consumption from traditional diets to Western diet patterns and lower levels of activity. Professor Popkin is one of the most cited scholars in the world and it was a privilege to hear him speak on the impact of large-scale regulatory efforts to improve our diets and food systems, for example the Sugar Sweetened Beverage Tax and the Junk Food Tax. ANZOS provided the ideal platform for the Flinders team’s findings on the ‘Feasibility of an online PEACH™ (Parenting, Eating and Activity for Child Health) Lifestyle program for parents of primary school children’. Presenting at ANZOS allowed Lucy to share Flinders’ experiences in delivering a successful weight management program as a generic healthy lifestyle program online with local and international obesity researchers and to hear from other research groups about their experiences in delivering obesity programs online.

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